

I've had a few hundred pageviews, but no comments. What's up with that. I spent hours writing the tutorials and stuff on here and I've had no comments. Feeling of unpopularity kicks in. W00. There's two ways to comment - click on 'comments' above where it says 'another theme in the diary' or the 'comments' link in the navigation at the side.

On the subject of comments and links and the like, I have no one in my blogroll atm. If anyone has a wordpress, blogspot, tumblr, livejournal, typepad, weebly, xanga or some other kind of blog and would be interested in sharing a link and chatting via comments, kik, yahoo or anything like that then feel free to ask. I want to start talking to some new random people online.

Also if anybody has any recommendations  ideas, requests on what I should post, review or write tutorials on, please drop a comment because it would be good if I had some more to write about. Also if you want I could review your blog. I'll even make some blogger themes if people ask me too - there's already two available but if there's something you'd particularly like then go ahead and ask.

If anybody is interested in a 120x600px banner ad over in the side or a link exchange, drop a comment and I'll get back to you.

1 comment:

Georgie said...

There's this whole question buzzing around about how people prefer comments to pageviews. I definitely do. I do get a lot of hits but I know there are some quiet readers of my blog who don't comment but they do read my posts.

I don't really exchange links with anyone. The people on my links page are just people who have blogs that I like to read. Sometimes I check out my site stats and see someone linking to me even though they've never told me or never asked to exchange links, I usually return the favour hehe ;)

More on the music front! Also, I did like your apps review... so keep those coming too because I hate looking for iPhone/iPad apps on my own. I usually just go by recommendations.